Q. How long has Beacon Sleep been working on their solution?
A. In April of 2017 founders Joseph Arrington and Mica Sloan met for the first time to discuss a possible solution to Joseph’s sleep paralysis. In the subsequent years, a number of ideas have come and gone but we’re excited to announce we’re nearly ready to launch with our first offering.
Q. Where are you located?
A. As a team of student founders, we currently lack a physical location. However, we have been graciously granted desk space at the Lassonde Studios at the University of Utah.
Q. How Can I help
A. Beacon is always looking to advance the body of knowledge in the parsomnias. While there are aspirations for full scale research as the company matures, we internally run small research projects. If you suffer from sleep paralysis, sleep walking, night terrors, chronic nightmares, or other parasomnias, fill out the opt in survey under the ‘volunteer’ tab.